Monday, September 13, 2010

New (school) year's resolutions

You know why this guy looks so mean? Because he wakes up really early, when it's still dark, before everyone else. Then he has the cruel job of waking up those who are peacefully asleep. He is mad. Have you ever seen a happy, friendly looking, rooster? If you're not sure, here are a few more for you.

This one is the passive aggressive type. Bottled rage, for sure.

This little fellow wants to hurt you. That's why there's a fence between he and the photographer.

The answer to my question is no, you've never seen a happy one. They are all slightly scary looking. Don't you think it's possible that it's because they know God gave them a rough position in the whole scheme of things?

I'm telling you, now that school's started, it's hard not to be one of those guys, my red hair fanning up on the top of my head something awful after rolling out of bed in the dark of early morning. I have never once in my whole life except maybe when I was an infant (but probably not) liked waking up early. Early meaning before 9. In high school and college, it was 10.

I've always complained about it and dramatized it, especially when my first real job ever out of college was in customer service for a pharmaceutical company and I worked the shift from 5:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. I acted like such a victim of the regular rotation of the earth.

Well, I've lately felt compelled to step up my practice of self-discipline. I have lots of ideas about the concept. Too many for right now. Maybe later. But suffice it to say that I have committed to waking up at 6 a.m. this fall on weekdays. Honestly there is no other deeper, more spiritual reason than practicing self-discipline.

And it's kind of funny that 6 a.m. is not that early! I know several friends who wake up earlier, and have forever. They are not dramatic about it. But for me, it's a big deal. I did it for three days in a row last week, and my husband told me that he was "super impressed." Wow, at first I think "Thanks!" and then I realize it is actually not complimentary because it speaks of the fact that I haven't done such a CRAZY thing like wake up at SIX A.M. three days in a row in a long time. Yuck. Part of me is so annoyed that I can be still so much a teenager on the inside. Too bad the wrinkles under my eyes, which are magnified from waking up early, prove otherwise.

So here goes. Early bird means no more night owl, which is the biggest hurdle for me. And after last week's first three days of school, I learned that I need some ideas for what to do while I'm the only one awake. How do I get my mind and body going that early while maintaining a happy heart? I discovered that any kind of reading or prayer is out of the question, at least for now. It just makes me want to go back to sleep. Also, I can't make much noise for the first 30 minutes at least. Any thoughts on helping me wake up? (Besides getting a rooster.)


  1. I enjoy morning workout outdoors.
    Early morning walks fills up my spirit with good vibes.

    Can't wait to see you so soon!

  2. I like the morning hrs, I can sip on my coffee and listen to what my heart is saying inside, like God is speaking to me. Than I take that walk it doesnt have to be a long on just enough to get some of that fresh air. Than come back somemore quiet time with God, and before you know it your kids will be up and you will be refreshed. But if you dont drink coffee, have hot tea. I hope that helps, cant wait to see you in a week or so and Erica.

  3. Thanks Erica and Jane for your advice! Wow, I can't imagine walking in the mostly dark, cold air, but you never know how where this will take me! I don't drink coffee either, so I have to do tea. I like the idea of getting my blood flowing with some exercise! Thanks for the tips you two!!
