Friday, December 17, 2010

My Cookie and A Story

Today, my "Cookie and a Story" entry is posted on Kendra's blog, My First Kitchen. Yay! 

There are 20 other finalists besides mine (each has been posted for one day this month), and voting for the favorite will begin on Dec. 22nd. The winner wins a bunch of awesome stuff for their kitchen. So I hope I win! Next week, I'll remind you to vote for me if you have a minute.

For now, you can check out my recipe for Italian Anise cookies along with a little story about my family heritage here.

This recipe has withstood much. Immigration. The Great Depression. And the passing of several generations of capable hands.

And perhaps one day, my little aspiring baker (shown above) will make these cookies for her own family.

* Wishing you a sweet Friday *


  1. Leslie, I love your story. The cookies I dont think Mami made these cookies, I dont know where you got the recipe. The biscotti's as they are called my mom has the recipe. You can ask her what recipe she made. But I love the interest that the story has. Good luck. How do you find this contest.
    Love cousin Jane

  2. here is the recipe for ya...:)
