Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to School Series: an introduction

"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."

That's what Tom Hanks says, of course playing Joe Fox to one Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan), in the movie "You've Got Mail." And every time I see that movie, my heart jumps a little at that part. I love the back-to-school season, perhaps because as a child, it meant the start of a whole new year of learning, reading new books, and making up dance routines on the playground with my friends.

As I face a new school year now as a mother, I feel equally excited for my kids to learn and grow, but also a little anxious. I spend so much time making sure THEY are prepared, but am I? Am I equipped to adequately help them face the social and academic challenges? Am I grounded, myself, for the many early mornings and trying afternoons of homework to come?

I know I'm not alone in these concerns, so I've compiled a series of short posts sharing what I HAVE learned in the last 6 years of having school aged children. The posts are intended to not only offer you some new ideas for your routine, but also to refresh my own mind, gird me up with intentionality and renewed vision.

If you have a child starting school this fall, of any age, really, I hope you follow along and join in the conversation. It's tough being a mother. But it's perhaps tougher to be a kid. Staying encouraged in our online community will hopefully help us start off this new school year with courage and practical tools.  Here are the topics I'll cover in the series, sort of in order:

- keeping your influence as kids get immersed in a school culture
- fearless parenting during the ups and downs
- teaching your kids about emotions
- being their ultimate authority and advocate
- how to support and bless even a difficult teacher
- the value of prayer for your kids in school

Stay tuned! The series will start soon.

Now I need to get back to sharpening pencils.



  1. previously a teacher & now a mom (to only an 8 month old for now), I'm so eager to hear what you have to say!! I'll definitely be following along :)

  2. Really great topics that I'm excited to read!
