Thursday, October 27, 2011

Grace on a Thursday: Avalanche

My latest favorite worship song is called "Like an Avalanche" by Hillsong. This week, these two lines are speaking to me:

And I find myself here on my knees again
Caught up in grace like an avalanche.
Nothing compares to this love. Love. Love.

I wonder if I experience grace like an avalanche. It's a powerful phrase that I skip over as if it's simply poetry. But watch this.

An avalanche is not careful. It is trembling and awesome, wiping out every hindrance in its path without effort. It makes a landscape altogether different. Do I allow grace to do that in my heart?

When I was very small, I started to accumulate this pile of sin, let's imagine, in heaven. I see it as on a scale tipping lower and lower as the years went by, my rebellion adding to it every day. The pile became a mountain of debt I couldn't pay. It was a pile of darkness and filth compared to His holiness.

But then the moment arrived when I yielded my life to Him. I found myself on my knees pleading for that heap of sin to be taken off my scale. All that weight had followed and haunted me too long. I asked Jesus to forgive me, and I believed that His blood paid the debt I owed. And suddenly, all was changed.

Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow
Isaiah 1:18

The mountain on my scale became glaring and white, and it was so heavy that the scale began to tip. At first a bit slid off, snowflakes sprinkling down on me below. But momentum gathered the rest and suddenly, a tremendous avalanche of grace cascaded downward until every last bit had been cleaned off the scale. Does my heart tremble at the thought of what Jesus has done to my mountain of sin?

I realize I don't want a little grace. I don't want God to sprinkle it onto my life like I sprinkle cinnamon on my coffee, yet that's sort of how I picture it sometimes. Like it's a garnish on the side of my life for me to then sprinkle on those around me when they "need" it, and when I feel like giving it. No.

He longs for us to let grace crash down on us like an avalanche, catch us up in the power, overwhelm us, and altogether change the landscape in our hearts.

After an experience with grace like that, everything looks different, particularly other people's mountains. For those you know who have also trusted Jesus with their lives, you begin to recognize their snowy landscapes, understanding that their sin has been paid for just like yours (so who am I to condemn?). For those who still bear the weight of their own mountain of sin, you begin to pray that they too will one day yield to the One who can free them (so what can I feel but compassion?). Totally different landscape.

This avalanche of grace is not a one-time event at the moment of surrender. It's a constant flowing, a sea of white, covering us and our sin. Washing away the shame. Cleansing us from the filth. Exchanging darkness for light.

And God knows I need to be caught up in it every single day.



  1. I am now you newest follower! A friend posted the link to this post and I couldn't help but click it. I truly feel this (and your last grace on a Thursday) are two things that God has really been working at in me. So thank you for sharing His grace with everyone! And this awesome new song to add to my worship playlist.

  2. i love this song. when i heard it for the first time i song i.d.'d it.
    great post leslie!

  3. i love you. period. the Spirit in you is speaking truth over my life AGAIN.

    i sprinkle cinnamon over my coffee too, and i let grace sprinkle itself over my life, but like you i NEED the avalanche!

  4. Beautiful post!! At our church we talk about Grace being the power of God to do the will of God. It's active and alive...this Grace of God. It's not a one time salvation thing, it's a working out as we continue to surrender to Him and choose obedience to the next thing He calls us to. His GRACE is sufficient, POWERFUL, and overwhelming! Love it! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. thank you so much for letting God use you as His vessel, Leslie. you have a beautiful heart. i am so thankful for His grace and forgiveness!
    thanks for the reminder!

  7. What I love about this is the reminder that He has lavished his grace on us, partly so we can extend his love to others. So we can understand and be compassionate, like you said. I have love and compassion for the lives others only because I have experienced God's love and grace in my own life. My mom always says, "but for the grace of God, go I." As I've gotten older I understand that more, I would be such a mess were it not for God's grace!

  8. I wrote a post with the same song? Isn't it the best CD?
    PS: you owe me an email ;)
