Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Our 2012 Easter Garden

I promised you photos of this year's Easter Garden, so here they are, if you're not tired of this idea yet. I hear many people have been pinning the idea, not just from my blog, but of course from so many others too. I think it may have originated from Ann Voskamp, but perhaps she got the idea elsewhere.

Well truly, the idea was God's; ya know, when He planned on sending His son into the world to pay for our sin? That thing. His idea. 

This year, I wondered if my kids would be less excited than they were to create an Easter Garden last year. But I had my answer when my daughter said, "What if we got lots of pots and planted like a hundred Easter Gardens? And what if we did one in that pot, and that one (pointing all around my garden)..." Yes. They were still really excited. 

Each of us had a job.

Rock placer. 

Watering can guy.

The person who handles spiky things (me).

(Wasn't this lovely red flowering succulent so very perfect for an Easter Garden? It is like a crown of thorns with the most delicate red blooms emerging. It had to go right next to our tomb.)

Path makers.

Any chance to make a very important story come a bit more alive to a child is worth the time and effort involved. Friday night, we'll light candles on the path and place our Lego Jesus in the tomb wrapped in a bit of white cloth.

We will move our stone over the opening. Lego guards will stand watch, and we will wait solemnly for Sunday.

After celebrating thirty-six Easters in my life, I'm still excited.

{And not just because I love marshmallow bunnies.}



  1. I love this idea, Leslie! Thanks so much for sharing. Definitely bookmarking this for when mine get older :)

  2. I love this idea and it turned out so beautifully!!

  3. love yours!
    we had a blast making one, too! :)
    i LOVE the pic of your sweet kiddos peeking in. :)

  4. Beautiful garden! The photo of your kids looking in says so much. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I have not heard of this before. I simply love the story, this is my favorite time of year! Thank you for the beautiful pictures and introducing me to the Easter Garden.

  6. this is so wonderful. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Thanks for being such a good example of intentional christ centered parenting. it's so nice to see. I'm taking notes. :)

  7. this is a wonderful idea, we've been brainstorming unique ways to observe good friday with the kids....this is good inspiration!

  8. so sweet. i so wanted to do one of these this year, but it didn't happen. and that's ok. but it IS on the list for next year. such a cool idea

  9. i love this idea, thank you for sharing! our little guy is a visual/hands on learner and i think he'd love this.

  10. I need your green thumb...mine is black & blue from all the things I've planted that have died! :)

    What awesome memories your kids will have..I always remembered the days when my Mom taught us something!!

